The Art of Wellbeing - Intuitive Painting Workshop Mind Body Spirit Festival Friday 26 May

I am delighted to be heading back to the UK’s biggest wellbeing festival. On Friday 26 May, I’ll be hosting a hands on intuitive painting workshop at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London from 13:00 to 15:00.

This light hearted workshop is an opportunity to go on a journey – spiritually, emotionally and intellectually – to awaken, reveal and discover something new about yourself. When you create spontaneously, allowing the painting evolve until there is an explosion of energy and colour on the canvas, you tap into your inner knowing. This helps to release what may be holding you back from living the life you desire. Intuitive painting is a beautiful way to support your mental and spiritual wellbeing.

No art/painting experience necessary.

I’d love to see you there. To book tickets. MBS Festival