Why I wanted to be an artist.

I was struggling to comes to terms with some significant loss and wasn’t keen to talk about it as I couldn’t articulate how I was feeling. Having painted throughout my life – but not for many years – I found myself guided by an inner voice to buy some supplies and just paint. 

Having always been a realist artist, it surprised me that after many years I literally threw the paint onto the canvas - as if the movement of doing so was getting something out of me.  

If you have ever found yourself stuck/lost/alone you will know frustration is a close companion. I found the process of throwing the paint onto the canvas, and not knowing how or where it would land, was both exciting and cathartic. The resulting abstract shapes, colours and forms we visually incredibly stimulating for me and I found myself exploring the stories and images I saw on the canvas. 

They say a picture paints a 1000 words and it did for me. I found painting, and the resulting abstract artworks, articulated what I was going through and helped my process my grief and the frustration. It was a form of therapy and helped me to reconnect with who I was – or more accurately who I was becoming as a result of the recent loss. 

We are always evolving as human beings and life is full of highs and lows. I have found that painting has not only helped me to reconnect with myself, I am able to help people do the same both through my artwork, Soul Energy Portraits and by teaching my creative process in workshops and one-to-ones. 

Art really can help us to see ourself and capture the energy of a moment in time. I believe my mission as an artist is to create work that transforms your energy and helps you reconnect with your soul, so that you understand your life’s journey and feel empowered to live the fullest expression of yourself.

if you are interested in how I can help you on your journey of self discovery, please email me hello at vickypaul dot com or follow the links below to find out more.

Soul Energy Portraits

Intuitive Creative Workshops

My Book How to be SuccesSoul

My podcast How to be SuccesSoul